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Flash Video on BBC news

BBC News is embedding Flash Video alongside some of its news stories. BBC limited video feeds to a choice between Windows Media Player and Real Player previously. I groan when faced with that choice and usually select neither. Now I can read the story and then play the video, confident that it has already loaded in the background. Nice to the see Auntie catching up.

Here's an BBC news report about using the PSP as a wifi phone/video phone.

Posted by Alexander on May 24, 2007 | Flash Video on BBC news | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Aqua Teen Hunger Force Press Conference as Performance Art

This is some of the best performance art I've ever seen.

These guys held a press confence on hairstyles from the 1970s amidst the media circus of the Boston city bomb scare. They refused to play their assigned roles, thereby highlighting and questioning the broadcast media's automatic right to define the story.

The real story was the incompetence and overreaction of the Boston Police and their willingness to cause fear (or terror if you like) rather than admit their mistakes. To add to the city's shame, the artists had trumped-up hoax charges levelled against them in support the official narrative.

The charges have been dropped today, but it looks like they've been through the wringer. I hope that they can find a way to capitalize on their fame.

Posted by Alexander on May 11, 2007 | Aqua Teen Hunger Force Press Conference as Performance Art | Comments (0) | TrackBack