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Seeking Translators

This blog gets more exposure than the Question Writer Blog - so I just wanted to echo an offer I've made there - I've got some academic licenses for Question Writer in exchange for translations of the GUI . It is fairly easy and low cost to outsource the translations, but that kind of approach might result in a poor quality interpretation from someone who'll hurry the task and isn't invested in the final outcome. But a user knows what the expressions mean, how to interpret them and cares as much about getting it right than just getting it finished.

Translating the interface is a great way to learn about all the features of the software and it's an especially good deal if you're expecting to be a long term Question Writer user because as I update the software to new versions, I'll supply you with free upgrades for the few additional items that are needed for translation in each version. You don't need to be particularly technical, but it helps to know a little about XML. You'll be able to make the edits in a text editor.

Here's the Question Writer Blog item.

Posted by Alexander on March 04, 2008 | Seeking Translators | Comments (0) | TrackBack